PRUNUS subhirtella 'Pendula Rosea'

PRUNUS subhirtella 'Pendula Rosea'

This page shows the product details. At the bottom of the page the size of the product is displayed, which can also be filtered by Type/Form and Pot/Clump. Insert a quantity and click on the Add to Cart icon to add the product to the cart, details of which are shown on the right sidebar. Enabled users can see the product price for the various sizes.

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Please use the following criterias for advanced search
Type - shape Container/Root ball

Type - sha.. Container/.. Container .. Height Stem girth Quantity
Weeping half standard deciduous In container litres 15
Weeping half standard deciduous In container litres 18
Weeping standard deciduous In container litres 25 8/10
Weeping standard deciduous In container litres 25/30 10/12
Weeping standard deciduous In container litres 50 12/14
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 8/10
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 10/12
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 12/14
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 14/16
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 16/18
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 18/20
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 20/25
Weeping standard deciduous Root balled 18 25/30

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